Hernia Mesh Lawsuit Update (2025)

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Patients who experience complications resulting from a failed hernia mesh implant may be eligible to seek compensation for the resulting damages. If you are considering filing a hernia mesh lawsuit, it is reasonable to have questions: what criteria is required to file a personal injury claim, which responsible party or parties can you sue, what does the timeline and settlement look like and whether your claim will be independent or part of a class action or multi-district litigation (MDL) hernia mesh lawsuit with other plaintiffs.

Your legal options for a hernia mesh case will vary depending on the specifics of your case and who is responsible for the problems you have experienced. A qualified and experienced medical litigation lawyer can be an essential asset in guiding you through your hernia mesh lawsuit.


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Bringing a Hernia Mesh Lawsuit

A patient who receives a medical diagnosis in which they learn their hernia mesh implant has failed may be entitled to financial compensation from the manufacturer or healthcare provider who performed the procedure. A malfunctioning hernia mesh may be the cause of a health problem, expose a patient to complications or be the result of an improper implant by a surgeon.

Depending on the facts of your case and the defendant you are suing, your hernia mesh lawsuit will likely join an existing MDL and be brought to federal court for litigation.

Hernia Mesh Complications

Injuries or sustained from a malfunctioning hernia mesh that can lead to a lawsuit may include:

  • Infection
  • Pain (caused by excessive scar tissue, inflammation, nerve damage or mesh shrinkage)
  • Adhesion (when the mesh implant adheres or sticks to other organs or tissue due to inflammation or injury)
  • Bowel obstruction / any amount of intestinal blockage
  • Bulging
  • Internal bleeding
  • Fistula (abnormal bonding of two body parts, such as organ or blood vessels to another structure)
  • Seroma (fluid buildup)
  • Perforation of organs or tissues (including holes or tears)
  • Shrinking of mesh
  • Migration of mesh
  • Nerve damage
  • Delayed or long-term complications
  • Hernia recurrence
  • Revision surgery

In many cases, a revision surgery is often required to repair damage caused by the hernia mesh and to replace the defective mesh implant.

Medical Diagnosis and Your Hernia Mesh Case

There are usually multiple factors at play when a hernia mesh fails. These may include a patient’s preexisting health conditions, the design of the product, improper product labeling, surgical technique and/or malpractice.

If you decide to sue the manufacturer or healthcare provider, it is critical to receive a clear medical diagnosis of the problem. A patient who is seeking compensation for damages — from either the product manufacturer or their doctor — should receive a full assessment of their injuries and required treatment course to provide sufficient evidence. Your personal injury claims in litigation will be directly related to your pain and suffering, medical bills, lost wages, loss of quality of life and other damages.

Who Can I Sue for Hernia Mesh Complications?

The possible defendants in a hernia mesh case are usually the product manufacturer, or company who produces and markets the mesh, or your doctor who performed the surgery, if you are suing for malpractice or negligence.

If you decide to sue the manufacturer or your hernia mesh, it is likely your litigation will take place in a federal court and join an existing MDL with other plaintiffs who share relevant claims against the company.

Can I Join a Hernia Mesh Class Action Lawsuit?

If the facts and defendant of your case align with an existing larger lawsuit or MDL that has not yet gone to trial, your case may be sent to join the litigation with hundreds — or even thousands — of other plaintiffs with similar claims.

While MDL cases can include plaintiffs in multiple states, some hernia mesh cases with multiple plaintiffs are also being heard at the state level. Similar cases from counties across a single state can be combined into multi-county litigation, or MCL.

Most of the existing MDLs and MCLs for hernia mesh litigation in the United States position the hernia mesh product manufacturer as the defendant. Your lawyer will be able to tell you what existing and relevant hernia mesh lawsuits are ongoing at the time of your case, as well as review relevant precedent, and recommend the best legal options to resolve your case.


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Timeline of a Hernia Mesh Case

As with any personal injury lawsuit, your hernia mesh lawsuit will begin when you file with the court and serve your complaint to the defendant. The statute of limitations — or the maximum amount of time you have from the time your complications became apparent to the deadline of when you are able to file — will vary state by state. Since health problems caused by failed hernia mesh may be delayed in presentation, hernia mesh plaintiffs should consult with an attorney and preserve evidence carefully to make sure they comply with their state’s statutory deadline.

Discovery Process in a Hernia Mesh Case

The biggest — and potentially longest — phase of your lawsuit will be the discovery process, in which both sides exchange information and evidence relevant to their claims and defenses. This will require the legal teams for the Plaintiff and the Defendant to collect and review all documents related to the case. For a hernia mesh lawsuit, this will almost certainly include medical bills, medical records, expert witness reports, financial information, insurance policies and more.

During discovery, either or both sides may also request interrogatories, which are a list of 30 or so written questions sent from one party to another that are required to be answered under oath and on a strict deadline. Interrogatories are usually the first opportunity for both sides to learn each other’s version of the case, as well as what the other side is claiming and expecting to recover.

It is likely that discovery will also include depositions, in which an attorney may ask a series of oral questions to any party with pertinent information related to the lawsuit. Testimony given in a deposition is under oath.

Pre-Trial Motions

Throughout and following discovery, it is expected that either party’s legal team will file certain pre-trial motions with the court. These may resolve issues of dispute such as securing or excluding evidence, request the court’s decision on a certain issue, change the venue or even end the case altogether.

Reaching a Settlement in Hernia Mesh Litigation

An out-of-court settlement can happen at any time throughout the litigation process. The parties involved in a hernia mesh lawsuit can reach a settlement agreement on their own, especially if throughout the discovery or pretrial motions make it apparent that one side is more likely to win a large judgment if the case goes to trial. Parties may also reach a resolution in a more formal, court-ordered manner, such as mediation or a mandatory settlement conference.

If Your Hernia Mesh Lawsuit Goes To Trial

If no settlement is reached, your case will go to trial and be heard by a judge or jury. In these cases, the plaintiff’s attorney will present the full spectrum of evidence of the injured party’s case, and the defendant will have an opportunity to refute the plaintiff’s evidence with evidence of their own. Witnesses will be called to testify, including expert witnesses, who will have reviewed the facts of the case and present a report based on their professional opinions. In a hernia mesh case, an example of an expert witness may be a healthcare provider who can interpret medical records.

If no settlement is reached before the end of the trial, the judge will announce findings as to liability (whether the defendant is at fault for the plaintiff’s damages) and damages (the monetary amount to which the defendant is liable).

How Long Will My Hernia Mesh Lawsuit Take?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict exactly how long a hernia mesh lawsuit will take. The short answer is: it depends.

If you are suing your healthcare provider, the timeline of your personal injury lawsuit will depend on the litigation strategy of both the plaintiffs and defendant’s attorneys.

Cases heard in federal court typically take a substantial amount longer to complete the discovery process and reach a full and complete resolution. If your case is part of an MDL, it could take months or even years of litigation until either a settlement is reached or a judgment is made in trial.

Hernia Mesh Lawsuit Settlements

Many hernia mesh cases settle before they go to trial, which usually provides a faster route to some amount of financial recovery for plaintiffs. Individual personal injury settlements are confidential. In large MDLs with large numbers of plaintiffs, it is not uncommon for settlements to reach multi-million dollar sums.

The facts of your case will be the primary factors that affect what you could expect in payout. Your settlement should cover the quantifiable financial damages — including your medical bills from injuries or revision surgery, as well as any long-term medical care and resulting lost wages — as well as harder to quantify damages such as pain and suffering and/ or loss of quality of life.

An experienced attorney can review your medical records and provide a ballpark estimate of what you might expect to receive in a settlement, though it is nearly impossible to predict the exact amount or when in the litigation process that sum may be paid.


Hernia Mesh Lawsuit - Free Case Review

Have you suffered serious complications after your hernia mesh failed? You may be eligible for significant compensation. Find out if you qualify.

Hernia Mesh Lawsuit Updates

There are currently thousands of hernia mesh lawsuits pending in courts across the United States. The four medical device companies that are now defendants in the litigation include Ethicon (a Johnson & Johnson subsidiary that has reached a settlement in most lawsuits), C.R. Bard (part of Becton Dickinson), Covidien and Atrium Medical Corp. (Atrium, the smallest of the hernia mesh class action MDLs has, as of September 2022, 3,308 cases pending and is slowly growing.)

As of October 1, 2022, trial in the C.R. Bard hernia mesh MDL has been confirmed for February 21, 2023. The trial is likely to go forward if Bard does not reach a settlement with the plaintiffs in this case. The first bellwether trial ended in a defense verdict, the second trial resulted in a mediocre verdict and the third trial resulted in a $4.8 million verdict.

Have You Suffered Serious Complications After Your Hernia Mesh Failed?

You may be eligible for significant compensation. Get your free case review today.


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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I know if I qualify for a hernia mesh lawsuit?

If you received hernia mesh surgery and experienced complications as a result, the first thing to do is receive a clear diagnosis of your injuries from a qualified healthcare provider. A critical piece of evidence in a hernia mesh lawsuit is the diagnosis of the symptoms you have, as well as any additional medical care or surgeries that will be required, that are the direct result of a failure of the mesh product or malpractice by your healthcare provider. This will be important in determining liability: who is responsible for which damages owed to the patient.

A personal injury lawyer can evaluate your hernia mesh claim and determine whether the evidence of your case presents a lawsuit worth pursuing.

Can you still sue for hernia mesh?

If you had hernia mesh surgery and experienced serious complications, you may be able to pursue a lawsuit and sue the responsible party. However, you must be within the timeframe outlined in your state’s statute of limitations in order to pursue a personal injury claim. Consult with a qualified lawyer to evaluate your claim and determine your legal options.

What is the average payout for hernia mesh lawsuits?

A payout, or settlement, will vary depending on the facts of your case and what damages you accrued resulting from a failed hernia mesh implant. On average, plaintiffs should recover the fees for their medical bills, including future medical expenses, that are the result of their injuries. They may also receive compensation for lost wages, pain and suffering and loss of quality of life. This could be anywhere from tens of thousands of dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Hernia Mesh Lawsuit Update (2025)
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