10 Best Flight Simulation Games, Ranked (2025)


  • Flight simulation games cater to a wide range of players, from casual gamers to aviation enthusiasts seeking realism.
  • Titles like Project Wingman offer immersive combat experiences with VR support at an affordable price.
  • VR-exclusive games like VTOL VR provide interactive gameplay without the need for a joystick, offering a unique immersive experience.

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Flight simulators are an increasingly popular genre of video games, often at the forefront of pushing the boundaries and technology of the industry. From relatively simple combat-focused games replicating the famous dogfights of World War II to the more complex simulators that enable players to shuttle passengers between entire nations, the choices in this genre are as diverse as they are immersive.



28 Most Realistic Racing Games Ever

There are plenty of great racing games on the market, but these examples are the most realistic.

Whether for the casual player looking for a unique gaming experience or for the hardcore aviation enthusiasts seeking to learn the finite details of specific aircrafts, there is something for everyone in the flight simulation space. While many games can be played on controllers or keyboards, each flight simulator is enhanced by the addition of a joystick or modular controller. Many titles also incorporate VR options.

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Updated on May 29, 2024, by Andrew McLarney: As flight sim mechanics and technology become increasingly sophisticated, gamers now have a choice of whether they wish to prioritize realism and visuals or simply hop into a more casual experience. Several developers have taken a unique approach to creating titles within the genre. While primarily split between combat sims and the more commercially oriented flights with an emphasis on realism, there are several titles that take an entirely unique approach to the genre, such as RealFlight Evolution. Further titles have been added to this article to reflect the range and depth of the genre as a whole.

10 Project Wingman

An Accessible Combat Sim With An Emphasis On Immersion

10 Best Flight Simulation Games, Ranked (2)
  • Platforms: PS5, PSVR2, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows
  • Developer: Sector D2
  • Genre: Flight Sim, Action

Project Wingman is a highly regarded and action-focused flight sim with an emphasis on spectacular combat and realistic visuals. The game can be played either in first or third person and works well either way, with additional VR support for players who wish to be even more immersed.

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What makes Project Wingman a standout in the flight sim market is the amount it offers for a small price when compared with many others. No extensive DLC bundles are necessary here, and players can access a full campaign, hangar, and arsenal right away.

9 RealFlight Evolution

This RC Flight Sim Software Is Ideal For Enthusiasts To Test Their Skills

10 Best Flight Simulation Games, Ranked (3)
  • Platforms: Microsoft Windows
  • Developer: Horizon Hobby, LCC.
  • Genre: Flight Sim

RealFlight Evolution is a bit different from most other flight sims in that the models are based on RC aircraft rather than real-sized ones. As a result, players get a charming and unique flight sim with exceptional physics derived from easily obtainable real-world data.

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Best Co-Op Farming Simulation Games, Ranked

The following excellent farming simulation games let players share the fun with a friend or group.

This can be a great practice tool for those with an interest in real-life RC piloting since models are rendered accurately and won't cost a fortune to repair if crashed. For other players, it can make a great alternative to the many other flight sims on the market that strive for, but don't always attain, the levels of realism that flight sim enthusiasts have come to expect.

8 Aerofly FS 4 Flight Simulator

A Laidback Sim With Great Aircraft And Environment Models

10 Best Flight Simulation Games, Ranked (5)
  • Platforms: Android, Microsoft Windows, iOS, Linux
  • Developer: AeroFly (IPACS)
  • Genre: Flight Sim

Aerofly FS 4 Flight Simulator is a commercial flight simulator featuring a range of aircraft including large passenger jets and service airlines, as well as helicopters and a range of smaller planes. Suited to players of all levels, Aerofly FS 4 Flight Simulator is a great option for those who don't want to spend lots of money on acquiring in-game vehicle models.

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For players who want a relaxed sim without having to worry about getting super technical or being shot down by rival aircraft, Aerofly FS 4 Flight Simulator can serve as a great introduction to flight sims, but it still features enough depth for more experienced players to stay entertained.

7 Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown

A Simple Yet Entertaining Combat Sim For Players Of All Levels

10 Best Flight Simulation Games, Ranked (6)

Ace Combat 7
PC , PS4 , Xbox One

January 31, 2019
Bandai Namco Studios

The Ace Combat series dates all the way back to 1995, and developers Bandai Namco have since been able to refine the style of their more accessible flight sim series. While not as 'hardcore' as some other sims, Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown is certainly solid in many areas and is particularly accessible to new players.


Hearts Of Iron 4: Best Aircraft Designs

Aerial supremacy is an integral factor in waging war in Hearts of Iron 4, and there are ways to create the ideal aircraft to deal with most threats.

Featuring an array of aircrafts for players to choose from, the game operates with a slightly different model to some of the more expensive sims, such as DCS World and IL-2 Sturmovik. Rather than charging extortionate prices for single aircraft, players can get them for a much cheaper price, even if there are fewer total options available.

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6 War Thunder

A Combat-Focussed Multiplayer Game Suited For Genre Newcomers

10 Best Flight Simulation Games, Ranked (8)
War Thunder
PS4 , PS5 , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , PC

November 1, 2012

Gaijin Entertainment

War Thunder has consistently maintained its spot as one of the most-played free-to-play multiplayer games since its release in 2013 and is one of the most accessible games for newer players in the flight simulator genre. The game can be played with a controller, keyboard, or joystick, and features a range of vehicles, including helicopters, boats, and tanks. While the game features a lengthy list of DLC content, new players can jump right in without spending a penny to see whether they like it themselves.

War Thunder can make for an excellent entry point into the genre. It does not require elaborate knowledge of aircrafts to play and combines the unique experience of flying with the simplicity and familiarity of other competitive multiplayer games.


A Highly Interactive Flying Sim Set Entirely In VR

10 Best Flight Simulation Games, Ranked (9)


August 3, 2017

Boundless Dynamics

VTOL VR is a combat-focused, VR-exclusive flight sim set in the near future. What makes this game unique is that no joystick is necessary to interact with the cockpit; players can do so via the VR trackers in their hands. In this way, the experience is made even more immersive. While a fair degree of knowledge is required to operate many of the aircraft, no button or controller-mapping is necessary. The game also provides an easy-to-understand tutorial, so newer players should not fear its complexity too much.


The 17 Most Beautiful Worlds To Visit In VR

VR is starting to gain a lot of footing and developers are creating truly impressive worlds. Here are some of the most beautiful to visit.

While the game is slightly inferior on the graphical front when compared to many of its rivals, VTOL VR more than makes up for it with its immersive gameplay. For VR users, this is an ideal first step into the genre. And for the flight-sim fanatic, this game alone may justify the purchase of a VR headset.

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4 X-Plane 12

A Hardcore Flight Sim With Dedicated Modding Community

10 Best Flight Simulation Games, Ranked (11)

X-Plane 12

September 16, 2022

Laminar Research

X-Plane 12 could be compared with Assetto Corsa in the car racing scene, in that it has a thriving community of dedicated modders who continually add content to the game years after its release. As well as featuring some of the most authentic and realistic and handling out of aircraft in any flight sim on the market, X-Plane 12 lets players pilot hundreds of planes to thousands of worldwide destinations. It's an ideal choice for hardcore enthusiasts.

The game is so full of customization options that players can change everything from weather conditions to missing components to test out their skill as a pilot. The game also features VR support, and players can interact with each individual button and controller in their cockpit.

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3 IL-2 Sturmovik (Series)

A Realistic WW2 Flight Simulation With Combat Focus

10 Best Flight Simulation Games, Ranked (12)

IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946

March 13, 2007

1C:Maddox Games

The IL-2 Sturmovik series has been one of the starring pioneers in combat flight simulation for over 20 years now. Set during World War II, players can take flight in a number of iconic military aircraft ranging from Spitfires and Stukas to elite units of the German Luftwaffe. With a range of missions and scenarios, as well as multiplayer battles and several story-driven campaigns, IL-2 Sturmovik is perhaps the most comprehensive WW2 flight sim ever produced. It continues to lead the way with regular updates and DLC.


Best Tactical Shooters With A Focus On Realism

There is a wide variety of shooters out there for players to choose from, and that includes tactical shooters with impressive levels of realism.

For new players looking to get into the series, IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad serves as the modern base game, with a variety of additional battles, vehicles, and aircraft available in addition. The game features full VR support and is one of the most intense and immersive experiences players can have through a headset.

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2 DCS World

A Highly Realistic Combat Sim Set In The Modern Day

10 Best Flight Simulation Games, Ranked (14)
DCS World

March 18, 2018

Eagle Dynamics SA

DCS World, or Digital Combat Simulator World, is arguably the definitive combat simulator for hardcore enthusiasts. Centered around present-day aircraft, DCS World offers players an advanced simulator that will take hours of learning and practice before even a single aircraft has taken flight. Less of a game and more of a training program, DCS World is probably not the ideal starting point for beginners, but it has endless amounts of content for the more patient enthusiast.

With hundreds of aircrafts and a number of maps ranging from WW2 to the modern day, DCS World is also one of the most graphically impressive simulators out there. The base game is free to download on Steam, though many of the more advanced aircrafts can cost upwards of what would be expected for a full-priced, brand-new AAA release.

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1 Microsoft Flight Simulator

The Largest And Most Comprehensive Flight Sim

10 Best Flight Simulation Games, Ranked (15)
Microsoft Flight Simulator
PC , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S

August 18, 2020
Asobo Studio

Arguably the most impressive, and easily the most expansive, flight simulator on the market is Microsoft Flight Simulator. With a complete render of the entire globe for players to fly around, the 2020 release has been continually updated with an extensive roster of diverse aircrafts for players to fly. Options range from massive intercontinental commercial flights to island-hopping floatplanes and helicopter tours.

In addition to the accurate and immersive flight controls, one of the game's best features is its beautiful rendition of planet Earth. Players can visit almost any real-world location they can imagine from the skies.



The Biggest Open World Games, Based On The Size Of Their Maps

Open-world games are beloved for their massive maps. Here are some of the biggest open worlds that gamers can explore in the genre.

10 Best Flight Simulation Games, Ranked (2025)
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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.